We now look at the abstract types needed to support interpretation in a reflective tower system. Development of the type system for multidimensional towers was an important step in developing these ideas on reflective interpretation.
The fundament of our mechanism for representing things is Gödelization---representing each word in a language by a digit in some numbering system (the natural numbers being the common case), and each instance of a linguistic construct by the sequence of digits that represent each of its components. (The technique comes from the work of the mathematician Gödel [Gödel 31], who used it in describability and computability proofs.) Any way of representing something in computer memory must be a form of Gödelization, since whatever is represented must be represented by a pattern of bit groups, as that is all that is available.
In sections progasdata and kindsofref
the ideas of program as data, language and evaluator as data, and evaluation (an activity or process) as data were presented. All of these are built on forms of Gödelization, and presuppose the facility for representing programs and mappings as part of the application domain of a program.
In looking at intension and extension, we saw that
a procedural representation (which is intensional)
for a process becomes a representation of a real
(grounded) process only when an evaluator built
of, or upon, an entire extensional definition of
the process of interpretation is applied to
it. (The representation of application
(-substitution is a suitable model for
application here) is the substitution of a number
encoding a formal parameter with the number
representing the actual parameter.) However, the
evaluator must also have an intensional
prescription (which is what is applied to the
evaluee) as well as an extensional definition or
Thus, somewhere within the system there must be a
link between the intension and the extension of
the evaluator, that allows the evaluator in turn
to realize the link between the intensional
prescription of a procedure and the extension of
it---a process performing that prescription. What
is the nature of this link? Is it extensional?
Yes, because a prescription of its function,
The example above, of representation of procedures, shows the representation of one abstract thing (a procedure) being used as a concrete implementation by a context-provider that already has a concrete (extensional) implementation itself. Although most of this thesis is concentrated on representing the abstraction of procedural interpretation, the same ideas apply more widely to representing abstract things, including, naturally, concrete things rendered representable linguistically by giving names (abstract) to things (concrete) in a computer (or other linguistic) system.
As already described in sections inout and whatmatters, the link between the encoding of something as a Gödel number and the use of that number to mean that thing can be supplied only by the user (reader) of the Gödel number. Since we make the user---the supplier of extensionality---be the shadow (extension) of a further intensional description (Gödel number) into which the original number is applied (substituted), the user remains hidden: the meaning cannot be found from the intension alone. For example, given just the intension represented by the word `skip', we cannot find its meaning. Given a provider of extension that maps this word onto something (an English dictionary, say; or perhaps a Norwegian one; the two will map `skip' onto quite different extensions, although the word `skip' is spelt the same way) we can then find an intension for this, if we choose to use the dictionary this way. If, on the other hand, we use the dictionary only to provide a textual substitution, we simply provide another intension (`small jump' in one case, `store sjøfarende båt' in the other), which in turn either can be understood to represent an extension, or transformed by substitution into another intension, such as, respectively, `små hopp' and `large seafaring boat'.
In general, representation of the abstract requires a scheme for representing values outside the system by values inside it, with a mapping being defined between each representable value outside the system and the corresponding representations within it.
The `system' referred to above is a level of interpretation, to which an interpretation may be given in two ways: the extensional interpretation in terms of external values, as mentioned above; and an intensional interpretation given by another level of interpretation, to which the values in our original level are the outside values as referred to above. For example, the frequency of an electrical signal may be represented as a number of cycles per second, and that number may be represented in digital apparatus by a bit-pattern, which may be represented in electronic digital apparatus by a pattern of voltages.
In this sequence of
abstractioninterpretation mappings,
we see a tower of meta-circular definition
appearing, much like the tower of interpretation.
Each type of value at one level is represented by
a value of some type at the level above, and these
types are in some way related. (There is general
review of types, the need for types, and the use
of types in representation, in [Cardelli And Wagner 85].)
Is this tower of types also a reflective tower? Yes, because the types used to describe a level of types may be brought into that level, and types may be moved up and down the tower. Meta-towers of types, describing the mapping of types between levels of types, may also be constructed, and brought into the towers. This reflection is not procedural---nothing happens in it; nor is it prescriptive---it does not prescribe instructions for doing something; it is representational and descriptive.
These towers of representation, like other towers, have their meta-levels linked by shadowing; an intensional type tower (described in terms of its structure, and then in terms of its structure's structure, and so on) may be described without infinite regression by an extensional type (describing what the type means to an outside observer).
Substituting description for prescription, we find that not only are these representational towers isomorphic to procedural towers, but also that each procedural tower is backed by a representational tower, which is more fundamental, in that all procedures require representation, but no representation requires a procedure.
There is a link between each level of the
procedural tower and the level of the type tower
that describes its types. This link, naturally,
has a type element to it and also a procedural
element: it is an environment (lookup table)
mapping types to procedures for evaluating values
of those types. This environment---the
---is covered in more practical
detail in section 7.3.
What lies beyond the type tower, as we bring that into our system (that is, Gödelize it---give it a Gödel number, or encoding)? What represents the representation of the representation? This is the meta-tower of the tower of types. Using this, we can continue our Gödelization of the abstract things underlying procedurally directed evaluation. We can also Gödelize this encoding itself, and yet still not describe in full its connection with the ground [Gödel 31], because from this intensional viewpoint, we can never create an extensional view or definition of the system.
In the discussion above, we have taken Gödelization as the basis for representing values of any type (including types). How can we describe a tower or a meta-tower, given that each tower in a meta-tower is infinitely long, and there are infinitely many of them? Does this require infinitely long Gödel numbers, or may we roll up the boring section of the tower, and encode this as such in the Gödelization, as is done in computer memory as shown in section 4.2? Does such an approach even work in this rôle?
It is possible to bring these two approaches
together, by allowing Gödel numbers for
meta-towers to use not only the natural numbers
for their digits, but also transfinite numbers (if
the type we use to support the use of digit
strings as numbers allows such a mixed polynomial
as a number). In the first tower in the meta-tower
we label the levels as 1, 2, 3.... This is
infinitely long, and we can write, in place of an
infinite series of numbers (the boring section of
the tower) a single transfinite number (the
meta-tower shadowing the boring section of the
tower). Thus, we now refer to the whole tower as
The meta-tower of this first tower has level
as its first level, and we label the
following evaluator levels as
Taking this meta-tower, and writing out its
boring section in detail, we have another infinite
series of numbers, and can do the same kind of
substitution again, writing 2
for in place
of the series
+3..., and starting a new tower, with
evaluator levels 2
+1, 2
This infinite series can itself be represented as
a meta-tower (as represented by the diagrams in
section 4.5), and we label this
meta-tower as ^2, and its successive
meta-evaluator levels (drawn as gray rods in the
diagrams) are
Having explored the ideas behind the type system, and its connection with evaluation, we now look at what must be provided in the practical type system that we use in implementing the tower system. As concrete examples, we present several of the types used by the evaluator and meta-evaluator in Platypus.
We use a dynamic type system; a static type system would have difficulty with interpreters being able to pass around objects of arbitrary types for which their subject programs have called, particularly when the language being interpreted provides dynamic typing. Dynamic typing being more flexible than static typing, it also can be used to support statically typed languages without change.
The values in a tower reflection system may be seen as being of two kinds:
To be able to perform computations on values of either kind, we must have operations handling values of the types concerned. Whether the values are concerned with reflection or not is not pertinent to how we handle them, and no types used here are inherently reflective.
There are two groups of types that we must consider, classified according to whether values of that type may be divided into several parts:
In principle, there are two kinds of simple types (although in practice both are usually represented by numbers):
Since tokens can be implemented through simple use of integers, we will not provide them separately. (In fact, to give tokens convenient textual names, we use keywords, as used in Common Lisp [Steele 84][Section 11.6]. We also use the substrate Lisp's symbols in general as tokens for lookup in environments.)
Likewise, logical values can also be represented
as a range of integers, although their meaning is
sufficiently special that we will could them
appear as a distinct type (in fact, for
convenience, they are implemented compatibly with
Lisp, using the symbol t
for true
the empty list nil
for false
A compound type is one in which a value of that type may be separated into elements. Each element may be of either a simple or a compound type. We select an element of a value of a compound type by its index, which is of a simple type.
There are two kinds of compound type:
Since, as noted above, tokens can be implemented as numbers, structured records can be implemented as vectors. In this system, the vector representation underlying a structured record is visible, although not used as the usual route to access the data in the record. In the Lisp version of the meta-evaluator, records are represented by defstructed objects in Lisp, while in the C version of the meta-evaluator, the array form of record is explicit, although usually concealed through a collection of macros. Such shifts in the nature of the same type are covered in more detail in section 6.5.
Note that, like tokens, vectors may be compared for equality, but not compared for order.
The above considerations give us three fundamental types:
With these, we can perform all the operations of conventional computing systems, apart from input and output, which we assume are done for us by operators at the next level up, which we will not try to analyze. We must also provide support for the types needed for reified state values. This is done through the types that we already have, as they are expressive enough for this.
Certain types are particularly important in the evaluator and meta-evaluator, as they describe the values that these procedures handle directly themselves. The rest of this section lists and explains these types.
The first type to describe in a list of types is,
naturally, the type for values that represent
types---that is, the type of the tags in our
dynamic type system. The main use of these is to
identify how to evaluate something. Since this may
be different in any number of different contexts
(such as different tower levels, or an evaluator
and the corresponding meta-evaluator) it is
neither appropriate nor even possible to build the
evaluation technique into the type (it is not the
same as class methods in an object-oriented
system, as they have only the one context for each
type of evaluation). Instead, we simply use the
type of an object as a key to look up in an
environment (such as a type-evaluators
environment, as mentioned later in this section and in section typeval2, and also in
sections stanproclisting
and metaevaluator). It is appropriate,
therefore, for types to be represented simply by
names. Any information describing some aspect of
the type may be found by looking that type name up
in the appropriate environment.
A closure is a structured record, containing these elements:
implementing an associative mapping from types (which are denoted by their names) to closures
The original
field exists to speed
comparison in the meta-evaluator. For it to
determine whether a closure is an instantiation of
a closure that is shadowed by a kernel primitive,
the meta-evaluator looks up the original field of
the closure in the table (shadow map, an
environment) of closures that it knows to be
shadowed. The original field is copied when a
closure is copied, and changed when the closure is
The alternative to having an original
is to compare the contents of closures to
determine whether they are the same---a
potentially time-consuming task. An idealized
implementation might do such a full comparison, in
terms of whether two closures will have the same
behaviour; however this is not necessarily
possible to determine, since it cannot even be
computed whether each of them will terminate. The
field gives us a very quick
indication of whether the closure is still
identical to the (possibly) shadowed one from
which it was instantiated. This test is also
fail-safe; it can indicate that the closures are
different when they are still equivalent, but will
never indicate that they are equivalent when they
are not.
Closures have two rôles: when instantiated and made part of a tower they are building-blocks for the state of a computation. Before instantiation they represent a stored program, and are copied from this form into the running closures on the stack by the procedure call mechanism, as described in section 3.4.
Many of the data structures used in Platypus contain many parts of the tower. In particular, the value list of a closure (its arguments, workspace and results) will contain whole levels of interpretation if the closure is an evaluator. Because of this, we print some of Platypus' data structures in very limited ways. For example, closures are printed like this:
#<{closure 244 (pr 1) expr: { EVAL-IN-CL { QUOTE { PROGN { LOAD "pl-in-cl.lisp"} { LOAD "griss.lisp"}}}} vals:#<[7: 20 (IF (EQUAL (LISP-VARIETY) "Platypus") (PROGN (LOAD "snark-interpreted.lisp" "snark-interpreted.out") (EVAL-IN-CL (QUOTE (PROGN (LOAD "pl-in-cl.lisp") (LOAD "griss.lisp")))))) #<File stream "griss.out"> #<File stream "griss.lisp"> NIL "griss.lisp" "griss.out"]> }>
A value list is an extensible vector of values. When a procedure is called, the value list contains the arguments to the procedure. The procedure, while executing, uses it to hold local variables. When the procedure returns, it will have filled the value list with the results. (Like some Lisps [Steele 84], and PostScript [PostScript 85], our language model allows for multiple results.)
Platypus prints value lists as shown in the closure displayed above.
An environment
is used to map names to
values. In this system, we use an environment
representation based on hash tables, with lists of
previous values. This is known as shallow
binding. In shallow bound systems, each symbol
(name) holds its value directly; this is suitable
only for systems with a very small number of
environments (typically one or two, as in Lisp and
other languages). Old (hidden) bindings are kept
on a list, much as for deep binding.
In other systems, environments are represented as
lists of name-value pairs, either as property
lists or association lists
in Lisp
terminology; this is called deep binding. A
third possible representation, combining some of
the values of each, is described in
[Padget 84].
Another possible representation of environments is procedural, as described in [Danvy And Malmkjær 8?], and this appears as a possible alternative implementation of part of Platypus in section 7.4.
Deep binding is suitable for systems with many
environments, but searching the binding list may
be slow. Platypus uses many environments, such as
the language
and type-evaluators
each closure, and it uses them intensively (one or
two lookups for every step of interpretation at
each level concerned; see
section 7.3), so speed of lookup
is critical. We use a representation using a
hash table (as provided by Common Lisp, our
substrate implementation language; see
[Steele 84][ 16])
to hold the
current bindings (much like shallow binding, but
not storing the values actually within the symbol)
and association lists to hold the saved (hidden)
The avoidance of building a value slot or slots into each name (names are simply tokens, or symbols, which may be compared only for equality) allows us to use things other than proper names as the names, or keys, in environment lookup operations. This provides more flexibility---important in a mixed-language system, as, for example, in PostScript's dictionaries the keys may be of any type---and also allows more consistency between the evaluator and the meta-evaluator, as the shadow map maps closures to shadow-closures just as type-evaluators and language environments map names to closures---in effect a shadowed closure is a name for its shadow, in the sense that the appropriate environment (or context) is required to find from a meaning at one level the corresponding meaning in another level.
There are several kinds of expression. A compound expression, often just called an expression, is a vector of values. Each value in it is called a sub-expression. Sub-expressions are normally constant, although they can by changed through reflection into the expression. Each expression contains
References to variables are also a kind of expression, usually appearing as not as top-level expressions but as sub-expressions of a compound expression. Two types are used in the implementations in this thesis:
Other things, such as numbers and string constants, may occur as expressions, and are all usually treated as literal constants.
The printed form of expressions is as shown in the
expressions appearing in closures and levels and towers
in this section. Non-local variable names are
printed as textual names, and local variables in
the form #<local-2>
, where the number of
the local counts from the extensible end of the
stack, such that the top of the stack is referred
to as #
All evaluations occur in the context of a level.
Every level always has a current closure, and it
is in this that the evaluations within the level
occur; this is also where most of the context is
held. The level serves to hold the current closure
of the level and the list of those saved by
operations, and also to connect the level
with the tower of which it is part, and thence to
the meta-evaluator (or meta-tower) within which
that level belongs. (The links from one level to
those above and below it, as discussed in
section 4.2, are part of the closure,
not of the level, as it is appropriate for these
to be closed into particular procedures, and thus
to be changeable by reflection to those
Also in the level is the template closure
used when instantiating an inactive closure (as
described in section 3.4) into
this level.
The components of a level are as follows:
The tower
field is not needed for a
one-dimensional tower, but is necessary when there
is a choice of meta-evaluators, and the
meta-evaluator for a tower is part of the
reified state of the tower.
In Platypus, a level is printed like this:
#<{Level running 244: { LET-LOCAL { NIL { OPENIN #<local-2>} { OPENOUT #<local-4>}} { WHILE { NOT #<local-2>} { LET-LOCAL { { READ-FILE #<local-2>}} { PRINC "in: "} { PRINC #<local-0>} { TERPRI} { SHOW-STATE "file loop"} { LET-LOCAL { { EVAL #<local-1>}} { PRINC "out: "} { PRINC #<local-0>} { TERPRI} { WRITE-FILE #<local-2> #<local-0>} { WHEN { EQ #<local-0> :QUIT} { SETQ #<local-4> T}}}}} { CLOSE #<local-0>} { CLOSE #<local-1>}} on args}>
Just as a level holds a stack of closures, a tower holds a string of levels, and also a link to the meta-evaluator. This link consists of three fields:
As well as the link to the meta-evaluator, there
is a link to the next dimension of evaluation, the
meta2-evaluator, represented as the grey rod
in the centre of the spiral in the diagram on
here, and as
+1 in
section 6.1. (A further
mechanism, which I have not researched in detail,
is required for access to the rest of the series
that begins
A tower is a complex data structure, and describing it in detail can take considerable space. In practice, it turns out that the most useful part of it to print is the program it is running; when working with meta-towers, it may also be useful standard evaluator (which will vary between meta-towers). A tower is printed like this in Platypus:
#<{tower with standard evaluator { LET #<<evaluation-point>> { { TYPE-EVAL { LOOKUP { TYPE #<local-0>} { LEVEL-TYPE-EVALUATORS #<local-1>}}}} { IF TYPE-EVAL { FUNCALL TYPE-EVAL #<local-0> #<local-1>} #<local-0>}} and program { LET-LOCAL #<<evaluation-point>> { NIL { OPENIN #<local-2>} { OPENOUT #<local-4>}} { WHILE { NOT #<local-2>} { LET-LOCAL { { READ-FILE #<local-2>}} { PRINC "in: "} { PRINC #<local-0>} { TERPRI} { SHOW-STATE "file loop"} { LET-LOCAL { { EVAL #<local-1>}} { PRINC "out: "} { PRINC #<local-0>} { TERPRI} { WRITE-FILE #<local-2> #<local-0>} { WHEN { EQ #<local-0> :QUIT} { SETQ #<local-4> T}}}}} { CLOSE #<local-0>} { CLOSE #<local-1>}} }>
Note that since this tower is being evaluated at
the time, it has closures with their current
expressions being different from their procedure
expressions. The current expression is always a
sub-tree of the procedure expression. It is marked
in each of the expressions above with the marker
, which is not
represented as a value in its own right; it is an
artefact of printing a closure's two expressions
together, being printed when recursive printing of
the procedure expression reaches the same point
in Lisp) as the continuation expression.
The type system of a language is an important part of the language, perhaps as important as the range of statements available. Thus, it is important for a mixed-language system's type system to be flexible enough to meet closely the needs of many different languages, while having enough consistency of its own to allow the passing of values compatibly between procedures written in different languages, as well as up and down the tower as described in section 6.5. This is one of the reasons why it is important for systems such as Platypus to use dynamic typing; static typing is simply not flexible enough to support a system in which any level contains a dynamically typed language.
To make the evaluator flexible enough, it is
parameterized by the
field of the
closures it evaluates; this contains an
environment binding type names to the closures
used to evaluate things of each type. The use of
this field is described further in
section 7.3. There is a shadow
map (see section 4.4) corresponding
to this and used by the meta-evaluator (see
section 11.1. Types not mentioned in
the type evaluator shadow map are evaluated by
interpreted procedures, so it is not necessary for
all types to be known ab initio to the
meta-evaluator---new ones may be added at any time
at any level.
Using this approach, not only do we make the evaluator
extensible to cover the addition of new types, but it
also takes on a more convenient form for reification
and reflection, as the evaluator for a particular type
may be found and replaced simply through access to the
environment. At an earlier stage
in the development of the evaluator, there was a Lisp
statement instead of the lookup and
funcall with the type-evaluators
environment; a
change in the evaluation of one type required
replacement of the whole evaluator.
Values may be passed up and down a tower. Since the meta-evaluator does not change the values it transfers from one level to another, values passed between levels keep the same intension (representation) while possibly having different extensions (meanings). For example, bignums may be numbers at a lower level, and arrays of numbers at some higher level. At the hardware level, which is the highest level, they, like all other values, will be words and bit patterns.
In C-Platypus, all types within the tower map onto quite different types in the meta-evaluator: all values map onto structures containing data words and associated tag (type) words; booleans map onto numbers, structures onto arrays, and so forth. This is an example of how the type shifts between levels of a tower are different to type shifts that go in and out of the tower.
In Platypus89, in which the substrate language is Common Lisp, the meta-evaluator and the tower contents both use the type system of Lisp, and there is no shift in the meaning of each representation (with the one exception that string-characters are used to index variable in the local stack frame, as they are distinctly tagged small integers---Common Lisp does not allow the definition of new varieties of atomic types). The use of this is shown in section 7.3.
In Platypus, values normally have the same extensions at all levels of the tower, which has removed a possible source of complexity and of inaccuracy. All values also have the same intension (representation) both in the form in which a higher level uses them, and in the form in which a lower level obtains them through reifiers. This means that reifying and reflecting information do not change the representation. This is an important design point in Platypus. Some reflective systems (such as SmallTalk-80 [Goldberg And Robson 83]) hold reifiable data in a different form from that in which it is passed back through reifiers. For example, a reifier for a stack frame object in such a system might construct the object from a real stack frame to pass it back to the program; the real raw stack frame might be in a unsuitable form (perhaps outside the type system) for handling as reified data. In the corresponding example in Platypus, the real stack frame is passed back by the reification of a stack frame. To make this practical, the stack frames must be kept in a form suitable both for program execution and for manipulation as reified data.
There are advantages and disadvantages of translating the data between formats like this. Among the advantages are that the reified form might not be suited for efficient program execution, in which case separating the representations allows the form used by the evaluator---the reflected form---to be designed purely with efficient evaluation in mind; and that levels (and other structures) that have to be realized (as described in sections unroll-circular-tower and unrollmech).
Whether or not the mapping between intensions at adjacent tower levels is the identity mapping may be used as a way to classify level shifts into one of two forms. Level shifts in which this mapping is an identity are closer together than those for which reifiers must alter the representation, as less work needs to be done to move information between the levels. Thus, it may be expected that the first level shift in each tower in a meta-tower (see section 4.5) may well change the representation, but others will not. At the lower end of the meta-tower, this corresponds to the extensional shift between the problem domain---the external real-world meanings---and the computational domain of manipulable values. In general, changing the extensional meaning is useful in implementing a tower (the representation may change between the tower and its meta interpreter) but is not particularly useful within a tower, where it is more useful to pass data between levels readily.
As levels share a type system, and can pass data to each other, they also share a structural field---they can share data with no need to transform it as they pass it amongst themselves. And yet, they also each have their own structural fields, as the level interpreted by each interpreter is the structural field of the level above it and as each level can access all other levels, the whole tower (or meta-tower) is the structural field of each component---and this includes that component itself.
Whatever the form of the shift between intensions at different levels, there must be a defined mapping to do the shifting. Without this, the tower would be broken for purposes of reification and reflection, and could only be used for interpretation, imposing a one-way restriction at one of the level shifts. This is done deliberately in implementing the meta-evaluator in C-Platypus, to ensure that the meta-evaluator always remains hidden from the tower.
In making representations compatible between levels, we also make them compatible between the languages of each level, mentioned as a requirement in section 5.3. This may require some flexibility in matching the underlying representation to each language. For example, some languages, such as Lisp, do not have a distinct boolean type, and others, such as C, do not have bignums (digit string arithmetic), and yet it might be appropriate to provide for these in the base language and the standard interpreter. Fortunately, the common grounds of computability and computer architecture have pushed language designers' intuitions toward a reasonably consistent central set of types (such as integer, boolean, string, array, record).
With a common type system, routines written in different languages can pass data between themselves without having to make any modification or translation to the data. This keeps inter-language calling equivalent to intra-language calling.
The ideas behind the towers' type system are important in understanding tower reflection. Types are an essential part of the way we represent values, and the mapping from one tower level to the next is a representation of a value in one system by a value in another. The basis for representing values in a computer is Gödelization, in which digits in numbers denote words in a language.
The type system we use must allow the representation of procedures and of procedural evaluation, as well as the representation of the application's problem domain. It must also be possible to represent the infinite towers and meta-towers used in reflective evaluation.
The system must provide operations on types concerned with reflection (that is, types for objects representing parts of the tower) as well as for the types of objects normally handled by an interpreter. We divide types into two kinds: simple and compound.
A few types are of particular importance in a reflective tower. Closures are the central type. Other important types include expressions, environments and value lists.
As information is moved between levels, its representation may be changed, although in Platypus it is not changed. The meaning of the same information may be different at different levels even when the representation is the same.
Although the meaning and representation of information does not normally change between levels of a normal tower, it may well have to change in going between the tower and the meta-evaluator that implements the tower.
The shop seemed to be full of all manner of curious things---but the oddest part of it all was that, whenever she looked hard at any shelf, to make out exactly what it had on it, that particular shelf was always quite empty, though the others round it were crowded as full as they could hold.
``Things flow about so here!'' she said at last in a plaintive tone, after she had spent a minute or so in vainly pursuing a large bright thing, that looked sometimes like a doll and sometimes like a work-box, and was always in the shelf next above the one she was looking at. ``And this one is the most provoking of all---but I'll tell you what---'' she added, as a sudden thought struck her. ``I'll follow it up to the very top shelf of all. It'll puzzle it to go through the ceiling, I expect!''
But even this plan failed: the ``thing'' went through the ceiling as quietly as possible, as if it were quite used to it.
Alice Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 5