The meta-evaluator

In this chapter, we present a meta-evaluator for towers of the form described in this thesis. There are two implementations of the meta-evaluator, the earlier of these two being written in C, and the other in Lisp. They are presented in the other order, however, since the Lisp one is more important, and has superseded the C version.

The Lisp implementation has two versions, the second being derived from the first by moving common code from several procedures into a separate procedure, which is the kernel of this form of the meta-evaluator.

In section pl89sect we look at Platypus89, the Lisp implementation of Platypus, which is written for conciseness, readability and programming aesthetics. A full listing of Platypus89 is given as Appendix A of this thesis.

In section 11.7, we look briefly at C-Platypus, the C implementation of Platypus. This is written for efficiency. Although this line of development was abandoned in favour of the Lisp-based approach, some of the ideas explored in this version may be useful in future developments of reflective interpreters, and so are still presented.

Platypus89 - a tower evaluator in lisp

The meta-evaluator of Platypus89 is a Lisp function looking much like the standard interpreter. The listing given here is produced directly from the real sources (using a mixed-language style of LaTeX and Lisp!). As with other listings from the real source code, the Lisp syntax has been modified to allow labelling of points in the code with text in square brackets.

The standard meta-evaluator itself

The general tower meta-evaluator function is very similar in structure to the standard evaluator, but it must also perform level shifting when required.

(defun evaluate-anything (anything background-level)
  "Evaluate ANYTHING in the context of LEVEL."
  (let* ((cont (level-current-closure background-level))
         (evaluator (closure-evaluator cont)))
    (if (not (eq (closure-original evaluator)
                  (level-tower background-level))))
        (let ((evaluator-interpretation-level
          (evaluate-anything evaluator-interpretation-level
      (let ((inside-tower-type-eval
             (env-lookup (type-of anything)
                         (closure-type-evaluators cont))))
        (if inside-tower-type-eval
            (let ((outside-tower-type-eval
[type-shadow-lookup] (env-lookup (closure-original
              (if outside-tower-type-eval
[shadowed-type]  (funcall
                   anything background-level cont)
              (let ((type-interpretation-level

The first decision to make in the meta evaluation of a level is whether the the level can be interpreted directly by the meta evaluator, or whether the level s evaluator must be interpreted. The rule for this, as explained in section extintalgor, is that the level can be interpreted directly if its evaluator is the standard evaluator, and otherwise its evaluator must be interpreted by the meta-evaluator. This decision is taken at is-on-standard-evaluator?. If the level cannot be evaluated directly, the meta-evaluator recurses to run it, at interpret-evaluator. This realizes (see section unroll-circular-tower) a level of the tower, which previously existed abstractly but had no separate representation in the implementation. The realization is done in make-interpretation-level, which allocates a new level and fills it in such that when interpreted it will interpret the given evaluator with the original level as the evaluator's argument.

If the level can be evaluated directly, this is done at evaluator, a point which has a direct equivalent in the standard evaluator. The type of the evaluand is looked up in the type-evaluators environment of the level to find a closure to instantiate and apply to evaluate that kind of evaluand. If no way of evaluating it is found, the evaluand is returned unchanged, at type-unknown. Otherwise, the original of the type-evaluator is looked up in the type-shadow-map of the tower, at type-shadow-lookup. As explained in section unrollmech, the original field may be used to determine whether a closure is an instantiation of a particular closure (usually a shadowed one). If a closure is modified (other than in the values list), its original field---not accessible to be changed independently---is changed automatically to point to the closure itself, rather than that of which is was an instantiation, and so it will not be treated as an instantiation of that one any longer. If the type evaluator is shadowed, the shadow is called, at shadowed-type. Otherwise the type evaluator must be interpreted, in a modified copy of this levl, made and evaluated at non-shadowed-type. For a system with a one-dimensioned tower, the shadow procedure is in the substrate language, Common Lisp. It will be one of the procedures presented below.

The list evaluator

The list evaluator is like that within towers (including the all-too-Lisp-specific part for handling nil!), but must also look for the shadow of an operator, and, if it has one, use that, otherwise realizes (see section 4.4) a new level to interpret the operator definition, and interprets that level using the current evaluator---this is done using the Platypus form (or Common Lisp macro) evaluate-by-evaluator-of-level (presented in section 11.4) rather than as a direct call, so that this procedure may be called from places other than evaluate-anything:

(defun meta-eval-list (list background-level curr-cont)
  "Evaluate LIST in the context of BACKGROUND-LEVEL.
CURR-CONT is the current continuation closure, which the caller has
already extracted and so might as well pass along."
  (if (null list)
    (let* ((operator-name (expression-operator list))
           (operator (env-lookup operator-name
                                 (closure-language curr-cont))))
      (if (null operator)
               (:continuation-expression (cons 'funcall list))
             (evaluate-anything background-level
        (let ((shadow-definition
[shadow-lookup] (shadow-lookup
                  (level-tower background-level))))
          (if (null shadow-definition)
              (let ((operator-interpretation-level
            (funcall shadow-definition

Extraction of the expression, operator and operator definition of the current continuation closure of the level are just as in the standard evaluator, as is the automatic conversion of unknown operators into procedure calls.

Once an operator has been found, the action is similar to that of the standard evaluator, but with the addition of code to handle shadowing of some operators by primitive definitions. The split between shadowed and non-shadowed operators is, in terms of the standard evaluator, entirely within the (funcall op anything) at operator. In principle, the standard evaluator and the meta-evaluator could be produced from the same source code, using an operator/procedure which could be described as shadowable-funcall; within the tower, this would be a normal funcall, but in the meta-evaluator, would have the extra rôle of finding and using the shadow versions of callee procedures that have shadows.

At shadow-lookup, the shadow map for the tower is looked up. This shadow map must match the tower's meta-evaluator, and describes which operators the meta-evaluator has shadows for. Ideally, it should be a field of the value stored in the meta-evaluator field of the tower.

If there is no shadow for that operator, the meta-evaluator recurses to interpret the interpretable definition of the operator. This is done at non-shadowed-op.

If a shadow has been found, it is called directly (that is, to run at the level of the meta-evaluator), at shadowed-op. This is written as a macro partly to give it a more descriptive name, and partly to hide even more optionally compiled tracing code! It is, in the underlying Common Lisp, simply a funcall.

The symbol evaluator

Symbol evaluation is very similar---there is no shadowing to do here either!

The code below is simplified slightly from what a real system should do, in that if nil is returned by the first lookup, the second lookup is performed. This should really be done using a multiple-value return [Steele 84][Section 7.9] with the first value being the result of the lookup and the second value being the success code. However, there is another approach to this, using a distinct return value (which the next meta-level might not make available for general use at this level). This is described in section 11.2.

Like Common Lisp, our dialect of Lisp provides keywords---symbols which always evaluate to themselves---and they are handled at keyword. (Keywords are printed with a colon preceding the symbol name.) They are generally useful as simple token values; for example, in the list of changes given to with-changed-level, they are used to name the parts of the level to change.

(defun meta-eval-symbol (symbol background-level curr-cont)
  (cond   ((eq symbol t) t)
[keyword] ((keywordp (the symbol symbol))
                 (env-lookup symbol
             (if dynamically-found
               (env-lookup symbol

The string-char evaluator

Evaluation of local variable indices (string characters) is just as in the evaluator inside the tower. Since the listings here present the working code of the system, they use for efficiency a Common Lisp feature that does not affect the semantics of the program: the declaration the, which allows the compiler to make assumptions about the types of expressions' results. A fixnum is a number which is an integer and which need not have heap memory allocated for it---that it is, it is not a double and not a bignum (a number stored as a string of digits). (This requires it to be small enough to fit, along with its tag bits, into one machine word.) Telling the compiler explicitly that values are of this type permits the use of efficient number handling code, with, for example, addition instructions that are compiled in-line, instead of tests on the types of the arguments, and calls to a general-purpose addition procedure to deal with any cases that the in-line code cannot handle directly itself. (In addition to this, some parts of the system are compiled with an implementation-specific proclamation, (fixnum-safety 0), which tells the compiler that all arithmetic is to be performed with fixnum operations (which are typically inlined) rather than calling general arithmetic functions.)

(defun meta-eval-stringchar (char background-level curr-cont)
  "Evaluate CHAR in the context of BACKGROUND-LEVEL.
CURR-CONT is the current continuation closure,
which the caller has already extracted and so might
as well pass along."
  (declare (ignore background-level))
  (nth-value (the fixnum (char-int char))
             (closure-values curr-cont)))

The local variable references evaluator

Local variable reference structures also involve no shadowing:

(defun meta-eval-lvr (lvr background-level curr-cont)
  (declare (ignore background-level))
  (nth-value (the fixnum
                  (local-variable-reference-slot-number lvr))
             (closure-values curr-cont)))

The level evaluator

Levels are handled exactly as inside the tower (perhaps a little surprising, considering their close involvement with the model of reflective evaluation):

(defun meta-eval-level (arglevel background-level curr-cont)
  (declare (ignore background-level curr-cont))
  (evaluate-anything (level-current-expression arglevel)

The closure evaluator

The same goes for closure evaluation:

(defun meta-eval-closure (closure background-level)
  (with-changed-level background-level
        (closure-evaluator closure)
        (closure-language closure)
        (closure-procedure-expression closure)
        (closure-continuation-expression closure))
      (call-meta-evaluator background-level)))

The macro with-changed-level is explained in section 11.4.

The other evaluators just pass the arguments straight through: (defun meta-eval-string (string background-level curr-cont) "Evaluate STRING in BACKGROUND-LEVEL." string) (defun meta-eval-integer (integer background-level curr-cont) "Evaluate INTEGER in BACKGROUND-LEVEL." integer) (defun meta-eval-nil (the-nil background-level curr-cont) "Evaluate THE-NIL in BACKGROUND-LEVEL." the-nil) This is all of the significant code of the meta-evaluator. Much of the rest of Platypus89 is made up of the operators and their shadows.

Summary of the meta-evaluator code

In the small amount of code presented above are all the semantically significant parts of a mixed-language meta-tower-based evaluator---and perhaps more than is strictly necessary for that function. The apparently complex goal turned out to have an essentially simple solution, refined to be just what is required for the generalization of what it is for something to be an evaluator for procedural and functional languages.

Is it possible to refine this further, to derive a function which describes the essence of tower-reflective interpretation in the context of a mixed-language system?

Several parts of this are directly equivalent to parts of the standard evaluator, and the explanations given in section 7.3 apply precisely to these points too. These include those marked as funcall, operator, and evaluator.

The essence of reflective tower evaluation

Just as it is possible to refine the standard evaluator to a form in which several parts of the evaluator are calls to a suitably parameterized function, it is also possible to do this with the standard meta-evaluator.

This parameterized function, the snark, is this:

;;;; Is this the ultimate Lisp function?
(defun snark (thing
              level         selector
              env-selector  shadow-selector
  "Parameterized meta-tower evaluator kernel
for mixed languages."
  (funcall (lookup (lookup (funcall selector
                           (funcall env-selector
                   (funcall shadow-selector
           thing level cont))

It is very similar to boojum, but with a second selection and lookup. It is an optimized form of a boojum-boojum function:

(defun boojum-boojum (thing
                      level         selector
                      env-selector  meaning-selector
  "Parameterized meta-tower evaluator kernel
for mixed languages."
  (funcall (lookup (funcall meaning-selector
                            (lookup (funcall selector
                                    (funcall env-selector
                   (funcall shadow-selector
           thing level))

the optimization being that meaning-selector is always the identity function.

Using the snark to construct a meta-evaluator

The snark function is used in the following procedures to make the new version of the meta-evaluator. This is a replacement for the code presented in section 11.1, but it uses snark for each of the appropriate parts of the evaluator, instead of the ad-hoc evaluation functions there shown. It may be instructive to compare this with the code presented here, to see the similarity between snark and the last part of that version of evaluate-anything.

The standard meta-evaluator itself

The general tower meta-evaluator function is very similar in structure to the standard evaluator presented here, but it must also perform level shifting when required.

In this case, snark is used to do the switching on the argument type, and the level shift is performed conditionally, to get the type evaluator either interpreted or mimicked as appropriate.

(defun evaluate-anything (anything background-level)
  "Evaluate ANYTHING in the context of LEVEL."
  (let* ((cont (level-current-closure background-level))
         (evaluator (closure-evaluator cont)))
    (if (not (eq (closure-original evaluator)
                            (level-tower background-level))))
        (let ((evaluator-interpretation-level
[non-shadowed-eval] (make-interpretation-level
         (evaluate-anything evaluator-interpretation-level
      (snark anything

It would be possible to simplify this evaluator further, with added flexibility, but at the expense of speed, by using another map to go from the evaluator in the tower to its shadow, the meta-evaluator. In such a system, this new map (which replaces the if in the code presented above) would map the standard evaluator to a procedure which calls snark to switch on the evaluand type, as at shadowed-eval, and anything else (via the map environment's unbound value) to a procedure which makes a new level in which to interpret the evaluation, as at non-shadowed-eval. The use of the extra map would, naturally, be implemented by another call to snark. The further flexibility that this brings is that it would then be possible for more than one possible evaluator to be shadowed by more than one meta-evaluator.

The expression evaluator

The expression evaluator uses snark to dispatch on the operator name and to do the level shift, if necessary, to get the operator definition interpreted or mimicked as appropriate.

In this version of the expression evaluator, there is no code to convert unknown operators to function calls. This may be done by having the unbound pseudo-binding in the language environment bind unknown operators to a procedure which converts them to function calls and tries again.

(defun meta-eval-list (list background-level curr-cont)
  "Evaluate LIST in the context of BACKGROUND-LEVEL.
CURR-CONT is the current continuation closure, which
the caller has already extracted and so might as well
pass along."
  (if (null list)
       (snark list

The symbol evaluator could use snark with the identity function as the key selector for use on symbols, and have the unbound binding in the lexical environment bind to a function that looks the name up in the dynamic environment. Then, as snark always evaluates the result of its lookups, this inheritance between the two environments is provided---at the cost of each binding being of a procedure that returns the intended value of the binding---rather like a continuation-passing style of environment implementation.

(defun meta-eval-symbol (symbol background-level curr-cont)
  (cond   ((eq symbol t) t)
[keyword] ((keywordp (the symbol symbol))
                 (env-lookup symbol
             (if dynamically-found
               (env-lookup symbol

The remaining functions are as in the other version of the evaluator, as they have no particular use for calling snark.

This is all of the significant code of the compact meta-evaluator, occupying only 83 lines of openly formatted Lisp, in 11 procedures---perhaps rather shorter than an ad-hoc versions of such a function would be!

This is shorter than I originally expected such a program to be, and is quite a small part of the overall system. An analysis of the size of the system is presented in section 12.4.

Summary of the meta-evaluator code.

Is it possible to refine this function further? There is one thing that can be done: to pun on the names of structure components, making an isomorphism between the union of all possible evaluands (or their types) and the structural field wherein they exist and are evaluated. Doing this, the key selector and the environment selector take on the same names for each pair. Are there any parallels to this in other programming systems? It is similar in some ways to instances and classes in object-oriented system such as SmallTalk-80 and CLOS.

Structural punning apart, the boojum/snark appears to be the most refined form of evaluator that can be derived along these lines. Seen in more general terms than Computer Science, it does seem to make sense as a description of performing an action according to instructions: use some key aspect of the situation and some key aspect of the context to find an action, and perform that action, possibly moving to the plane of abstraction necessary for handling that action.

How does this fit in with general models for action, for example the deliberation model of Doyle [Doyle], as re-presented in [Batali 83]? This is examined further in reflchap.

The data stack representation in the meta-evaluator

In Platypus89, the data stack is represented as a single extensible vector, the values list, which is shared between all closures that refer to it. Its division into stack frames is an abstraction visible only in the operators of languages, and a language may treat it as an open stack, as does PostScript, for example.

There are several advantages to this form of stack, which I consider to be a correct choice of stack design here.

One point that might seem unusual or counter-intuitive about the correct implementation of this kind of stack is that Lisp/Algol-like languages must take their first argument as being the first on the stack--that is, the highest-indexed in terms of the stack implementation. This gives compatibility with languages like PostScript, even to the extent of &rest working compatibly between them and other languages.

The only drawback with this ordering is that if arguments to a function are to be evaluated left to right, as Common Lisp and many other languages require, the results cannot be pushed onto the stack in the order in which they are evaluated. The solution to this is to access the value list as an indexable array rather than as a stack while doing this. The auxiliary function for funcall, funcall-helper, which is presented on here in section 11.5, uses the following macro to evaluate the argument sub-expressions from left to right but to push their results right to left:

(defmacro eval-and-push-sub-exprs (expr level)
  "Evaluate each sub-expr (except the first) of EXPR in
the context of LEVEL.  If optional extra argument START
is given, that specifies where to start in the sub-expr
list, with 1 being the usual place, that is, it is how
many initial sub-exprs not to evaluate. The results are
pushed onto the stack of LEVEL."

    (let* ((the-exprs ,expr)
           (the-length (length the-exprs)))

      (when (>= (+ the-length (the-value-list-last))
            (extend-value-list (the-value-list) the-length))

      (do* ((x the-exprs (cdr x))
            (n (- the-length) (1+ n)))
           ((endp x))
           (setf (the-nth-value n)
                  (car x) ,level)))
      (incf (the-value-list-last) the-length))


It would, in principle, be possible to use the same stack mechanism to implement the stack of saved closures in each level (the return stack, in conventional terms) and also to implement the stack of levels that, along with the shadowing system, makes up each tower. This would reduce the amount of code needed, not only to implement the tower, but also in programs that use reified data.

Other parts of the meta-evaluator

The central procedure of the meta-evaluator is similar to that of the standard evaluator, and there are other parts that are analogous to some in the standard evaluator. These include the operators, and procedures called by the operators for common purposes such as the evaluation of arguments.

As well as the parts that do have analogues in the standard evaluator, there are those that handle the tower manipulation---constructing levels and shifting between them.

The Platypus operator (or Lisp macro, in the meta-evaluator) evaluate-by-evaluator-of-level calls the evaluator of the current level, or, if that evaluator is the standard evaluator, calls the meta-evaluator directly. It is used where procedures called by the evaluator need to call the evaluator. Going via the evaluator of the current closure of the current level is preferable to calling standard-evaluator or evaluate-anything directly, as it allows such procedures to be called from places other than the standard evaluator and meta-evaluator. The code of evaluate-by-evaluator- of-level is is follows:

(defmacro evaluate-by-evaluator-of-level (thing level)
  "Evaluate THING in the tower of LEVEL
using the evaluator of that tower."
  `(let* ((our-level ,level)
          (evaluator (level-evaluator our-level)))
      (:continuation-expression ,thing)
      (if (= standard-evaluator-closure-number
             (closure-number evaluator))
          (evaluate-anything ,thing our-level)
        (call-meta-evaluator our-level)))))

Creating and using towers and levels

The procedures presented here create and maintain towers and the levels that make up the towers. They are in two groups, those handling whole towers and those handling levels.

Procedures for handling towers

The following procedures set up and start towers. Starting a tower means applying its meta-evaluator to it; starting a tower in the real evaluator (of which these routines are part) means applying something one stage further away than the meta-evaluator, as all levels of meta-tower that support that tower must also be started at the same time.

A tower is a complex data structure with many cycles of references; new-tower and funcall-shadow, and many of the procedures presented further below, are used in the maintenance of this structure.

Much of the manipulation of the tower is done in the core of the meta-evaluator, but it can also be done by operators, including some that might not normally be regarded as reflective. For example, funcall-shadow is unusual in being an operator that manipulates the tower structure explicitly (in the form of adding a call record to the call record chain of a level)---although this may be done by any procedure in the system, whether or not it is an operator, and whether or not it is shadowed, as these actions are simply the manipulation of a data structure.

Some structure access operators, for manipulating fields of tower components, may sometimes be in effect reflective, if the components that they alter are parts of a live tower, as reifier results are---reifiers in Platypus do not take a copy (snapshot) of the tower, but return references to parts of the real tower. When this is the case, operators such as set-closure-evaluator are jumpy reflectors. As described in section 9.4, the shadow versions of such operators take special actions to ensure that shadowed procedures are never altered---a copy is always taken at the appropriate place and it is that copy that is altered.

Towers are created by the function new-tower, which takes as its arguments the meta-evaluator, the base level program, and the standard procedure. The tower that it sets up has the base level already realized, complete with a reference back to the tower. If there are already some evaluator levels attached to the base level, they are retained, and these levels are given references back to the tower just as the base level is.

(defun new-tower (meta-eval base stand-proc)
  "Make a new tower, with META-EVAL as its
meta-evaluator, BASE as the program it is to run at its
base level, and STAND-PROC the evaluator it is to use
as its standard evaluator. Any evaluators BASE may
already have are kept, and STAND-PROC is put above them
  (let ((the-tower
          :meta-evaluator meta-eval
          :base-level base
          :standard-evaluator-closure stand-proc)))
    (do* ((this-one base
          (next-one (closure-evaluator
         ((eq next-one stand-proc) nil)
         (when (null next-one)
               (setf next-one
new-tower creates a tower with a given meta-evaluator, application program, and standard evaluator. This tower is suitable for passing to run-tower.
(defun run-tower (tower)
  "Evaluate TOWER."
  (begin-define-in-tower tower)
      (call-meta-evaluator (tower-base-level tower))
    (end-define-in-tower tower)))
run-tower is the real substrate language procedure that starts the evaluation of a tower. It sets the definition context (for such things as defun) to be that tower, and then passes control to the tower's meta-evaluator, and, after setting the definition context back to what it was, returns the result from the meta-evaluator.

Procedures for handling levels

These macros and procedures are for creating (or realizing---see section 4.4) new levels. They are used in the meta-evaluator when it has to do level shifts when a evaluator, type-evaluator or operator must be interpreted.

(defmacro make-interpretation-level (level evaluator)
  "Make a level with the context from LEVEL
to evaluate an instance of EVALUATOR with an
argument of LEVEL.  EVALUATOR is a closure."
    ,level                              ; level
    ,evaluator                          ; closure
    (list ,level ,level)))              ; arguments
new-level is the central routine for creating new levels ready for parts of the evaluator to shift the evaluation into them. It takes as arguments: new-level creates two linked structures, a level and the current closure for that level, and completes the cycle of references between them.

The code of new-level is as follows:

(defun new-level (level closure args)
  "Construct a level to go in the tower of LEVEL
made by instantiating CLOSURE with ARGS for its
  (let* ((tower (level-tower level))
         (template (level-template-closure level))
            (closure-evaluator template)
            (closure-language template)
            (closure-type-evaluators template)
            (closure-procedure-expression closure)
            (closure-continuation-expression closure)
            (convert-to-value-list args)
            (closure-lexical-environment template)
            (closure-fluid-environment template)
            nil                 ; filled in later to complete a circle
            (closure-original closure)
            (incf closure-counter)))
           (list the-new-closure)
           :tower tower
           :template-closure (closure-original closure))))
    (setf (closure-level the-new-closure) ; complete the circle

Modifying levels

The macro with-changed-level is used in a variety of ways. It modifies its argument level as specified by a list of changes, evaluates its body forms, and undoes the changes it made to the level, before returning the result of the last of the body forms.

In effect, this is a rebinding of some fields of the level, the scope of the rebinding being the body arguments of this macro. However, the rebinding is not done within the level being modified, but in the meta-evaluator handling that level---in this case, in the stack of the substrate system.

This is important not only for intuitively correct evaluation of the interpretive tower, but also for its efficient evaluation. It is correct, because some of this work is done behind the scenes by the meta-evaluator, and is hidden from the tower being worked on; it is efficient, because it avoids creating temporary tower levels and throwing them away after use---the original level is re-used, and the temporary storage is on the substrate system's stack.

The coincidence of correctness and efficiency goes further than that, too: were temporary levels to be made for use in the evaluation, changes made to those levels through the use of reflection would be discarded unless copied back into the levels from which the temporary levels were copied.

The disputable point here is not whether this technique should be used, but where the saved data should be stored, in the version that runs on the substrate system. (Obviously enough, when run on an ordinary meta-evaluator, the saved data may be kept on that evaluator's stack.)

The expansion of with-changed-level can be quite complex; its macro-expander procedure calls the following procedure, make-change-savers, to generate pieces of the code to return. It takes a list of change descriptions, each of which consists of a list containing a keyword indicating what to change, and a form indicating what to change it to. It returns a list of lists, each of which contains (in order):

The elements of these lists are built into the result of the with-changed-level expander.

(defun make-change-savers (change-list)
  "Shadow function for expanding with-changed-level."
  (let ((the-savers nil))
    (let ((evaluator-value
           (member :evaluator change-list
                   :test #'eq)))
      (when evaluator-value
             `(old-evaluator new-evaluator
               ,(second evaluator-value)
               (closure-evaluator the-cont-clo))
    (let ((language-value
           (member :language change-list
                   :test #'eq)))
      (when language-value
             `(old-language new-language
               ,(second language-value)
               (closure-language the-cont-clo))
    (let ((type-evaluators-value
           (member :type-evaluators change-list
                   :test #'eq)))
      (when type-evaluators-value
             `(old-type-evaluators new-type-evaluators
               ,(second type-evaluators-value)
               (closure-type-evaluators the-cont-clo))
    (let ((procedure-expression-value
           (member :procedure-expression change-list
                   :test #'eq)))
      (when procedure-expression-value
             `(old-procedure-expression new-procedure-expression
               ,(second procedure-expression-value)
               (closure-procedure-expression the-cont-clo))
    (let ((continuation-expression-value
           (member :continuation-expression change-list :test #'eq)))
      (when continuation-expression-value
             `(old-continuation-expression new-continuation-expression
               ,(second continuation-expression-value)
               (closure-continuation-expression the-cont-clo))
    (let ((values-value
           (member :values change-list :test #'eq)))
      (when values-value
             `(old-values new-values
               ,(second values-value) (closure-values the-cont-clo))
    (let ((lexical-environment-value
           (member :lexical-environment change-list :test #'eq)))
      (when lexical-environment-value
             `(old-lexical-environment new-lexical-environment
               ,(second lexical-environment-value)
               (closure-lexical-environment the-cont-clo))
    (let ((fluid-environment-value
           (member :fluid-environment change-list :test #'eq)))
      (when fluid-environment-value
             `(old-fluid-environment new-fluid-environment
               ,(second fluid-environment-value)
               (closure-fluid-environment the-cont-clo))

with-changed-level has a macro expansion in which the subject level and the parts involved in the change are bound to variables, using let*. Within the body of the let*, the modifications are made, the argument body evaluated, and the modifications reversed, before returning the result of the last of the argument body forms.

(defmacro with-changed-level (level changes &body body)
  "Modify LEVEL as specified by the keyword arguments in CHANGES, and
run BODY.  Then change the changed parts back."
  (let ((change-savers (make-change-savers changes)))
    `(let* ((the-level ,level)
            (the-cont-clo (car (level-call-record-stack the-level)))
            ,@(map 'list #'(lambda (saver)
                             `(,(first saver) ,(fourth saver)))
            ,@(map 'list #'(lambda (saver)
                             `(,(second saver) ,(third saver)))
       ,@(map 'list #'(lambda (saver)
                        `(setf ,(fourth saver)
                               ,(second saver)))
       (let ((result (progn ,@body)))
         ,@(map 'list #'(lambda (saver)
                          `(setf ,(fourth saver)
                                 ,(first saver)))

Examples of the use of with-changed-level may be found in several places in the code presented in this thesis, including at section 11.1.

Operators and their shadows

Each operator of the base language (as described in baselanguage) is shadowed by a procedure in the meta-evaluator. These could in principle be compiled from the corresponding definitions within the tower, but (for historical reasons) most of them are written separately. They are largely generated by Lisp macros, as there is an appreciable amount of standard code at the start of each, to pick apart the level that is passed in as an argument, and, in the case of operators that evaluate all their arguments (such as arithmetic operators, cons, etc), to perform the argument evaluation.

There are one or two parts to the definition of each shadowed operator:

An example of the kind with a separate Lisp function is the primitive if operator, which has the Lisp helper function:

(defun if-helper (expr level cont)
  "Interpret a LEVEL that wants to do an if-then-else."
  (let* ((condition (second expr))
         (if-case (third expr))
         (else-case (fourth expr)))
    (if (evaluate-by-evaluator-of-level condition level)
        (evaluate-by-evaluator-of-level if-case level)
      (evaluate-by-evaluator-of-level else-case level))))

and the definition in the tower:

   if                    ; name
   if-helper             ; helper function to use
   (condition then else) ; argument names for definer
                         ; macro to generate for use
                         ; in procedure body
   ;; procedure body (to run in tower for non-shadowed
   ;; interpretation)
   (if (eval-in-level condition int-level)
       (eval-in-level then int-level)
     (eval-in-level else int-level)))

Platypus89 operators that are very like existing Lisp functions, and need all their arguments evaluated anyway, may be defined in one piece, as follows:

  cons        ; name within tower
  cons        ; name of primitive Lisp function to call
  (a d)       ; argument list
  (cons a d)) ; code to run inside or outside the tower

The operator + is one of those defined to evaluate all its arguments. Its definition is as follows:

(platypus-def-lispy-prim + + (a b)
                         (+ a b))

In section 9.4 it is mentioned that reflectors and structure accessors that might return data consisting of closures higher in the tower must check that what they are returning is not the standard processor---in which case they must make and return a copy of it instead. They use the following procedure to do this:

(defun unroll-closure (closure)
  "We take a copy of the evaluator if it would be the
standard evaluator, so that the user program can't get
at the standard evaluator to modify it. Otherwise we
return the closure as it is."
  (if (eq closure standard-evaluator)
      (let ((the-closure (copy-closure closure)))
        (setf (closure-number the-closure)
                    (incf closure-counter))

It is used in the structure accessor that definitely returns data from further up a tower:

(defun closure-evaluator-function (closure)
  "Return the evaluator of CLOSURE."
  (unroll-closure (closure-evaluator closure)))

and in anything that might modify a closure (accessed through some other means, such as as a component of a language) in case that closure is the standard evaluator:

(defun closure-type-evaluators-setter-function (closure type-evaluators)
  "Set the type-evaluators of CLOSURE to TYPE-EVALUATORS"
  (let ((modifiable-closure (unroll-closure closure)))
    (setf (closure-type-evaluators modifiable-closure)
          (closure-original modifiable-closure)

funcall is a particularly important operator, as it is part of the general evaluation mechanism. It evaluates its arguments, and creates a new closure by instantiating the closure held in its first argument. The remaining evaluated arguments are placed on the end of the values list (pushed as onto a stack) and the closure placed on the end of the list of closures run at that level (that is, pushed onto the return stack). The current meta-evaluator is called to evaluate the new closure---that is, to continue evaluation with the new closure as the current evaluation point.

Note that since many languages require their arguments to be evaluated from left to right, but pushing them in order of evaluation leaves them in the wrong order on the stack, we must in effect collect the evaluated arguments into a list which we reverse before pushing its contents onto the value list. In practice, this is done more efficiently by moving to the new end position of the stack, and filling the values in in reverse order, as explained here.

Here is the code of funcall-helper:

(defun funcall-helper (expr level cont)
  "Interpret a LEVEL that wants to do a funcall."
  (let* ((values (closure-values cont))
         (nvalues (value-list-length values))
         (callee-name (second expr))
         (callee (evaluate-by-evaluator-of-level
          (if (not (closure-p callee))
               "funcall-helper: Platypus function ~S ~
                 (derived from functor ~S in level ~S) ~
                 is not a closure~
               callee callee-name level)
            (copy-closure callee)))
    (setf (closure-number instantiated-callee)
          (incf closure-counter))
    (eval-and-push-sub-exprs (cdr (expression-tail expr))
    (let ((nvalues-incl-args (value-list-length values)))

      (setf (closure-values instantiated-callee)
      (setf (closure-fluid-environment instantiated-callee)
            (closure-fluid-environment cont))

      (setf (closure-evaluator instantiated-callee)
            (closure-evaluator cont))
      ;; Put the new call record onto the stack of the
      ;; current level
      (push instantiated-callee
            (level-call-record-stack level))
      ;; Let the underlying evaluator continue
      ;; evaluating. This is like handing the new
      ;; code-vector address over to the program
      ;; counter to be run, in a conventional machine.
      (let ((funcall-result (call-meta-evaluator level)))

        ;; put the activation stack back to normal
        (pop (level-call-record-stack level))

        ;; pop the args
        (pop-below values nvalues-incl-args nvalues)

Since procedure calling is so central to the system, for efficiency another operator, funcall1, is provided that does a funcall an extra level lower down the tower. This is suitable for use as the entire body of the in-tower definition of funcall. It evaluates its arguments to get to the level need, to pass them on to funcall-helper, which it then calls. Its implementation is as follows:

(defun funcall1-helper (expr level cont)
  "Interpret a LEVEL that wants to do a funcall1, that is, to
interpret the interpretation of a funcall. funcall1 is provided for
use by interpreters only, really."
  (let* ((res nil)
         (cont-values (closure-values cont))
         (cont-value-1 (nth-value 1 cont-values)))
    (let* ((lcc (level-current-closure cont-value-1))
           (lcx (closure-continuation-expression lcc)))
      (setq res (funcall-helper

and its use in the in-tower definitions is this:

(platypus-defprim funcall funcall-helper (fun &body args)
                         (funcall1 fun args))

Another use of this procedure is that made by the standard evaluator and the meta-evaluator to convert unknown operators into funcalls:

      (fun &body args)
 (funcall1 fun args))

The stack-based operators are defined in the same way as other operators, but use in their helper procedures the macros with-popped-args, push-results and with-popped-args-push-results, which are explained here. Here are some examples; not that they are similar to their Lisp-style counterparts, but simpler in that they do not evaluate their arguments but just take what is provided for them on the stack:

(defun ps-add-helper (expr level cont)
  "Interpret a level that wants to do a PostScript add."
   (a1 a2)     ; the args
   ((+ a1 a2)) ; the results
               ; arbitrary body follows, may be empty

The if procedure, which has no ``else'' clause in PostScript:

(defun ps-if-helper (expr level cont)
  "Interpret a level that wants to do a PostScript if."
   (condition proc)
   (if condition (with-level-interpret-ps-block level (cdr proc)))))

Almost all of the stack-style operators may be defined in this manner, making their definitions generally succinct. It would, naturally, be possible to define them in terms of stack-like operators, as is done in the PostScript-in-PostScript implementation described in [Hopkins 89].

Definition of operators

The operators and their shadows are defined using the macros and procedures presented in the following pages.

Definitions in towers

We need to make each definition in the context of a particular tower, to get various bits of background for definitions.

(defvar *platypus-definition-towers* nil
  "A list of towers open for defining things in. New
definitions go in the topmost one of these. This is a
pushy equivalent to CL's jumpy in-package system.")

(defmacro current-definition-tower ()
  "Return the current definition tower."
  '(car *platypus-definition-towers*))

Lisp to platypus expression conversion

In Platypus' closures' expressions, local variables are referred to not by a name (in the sense of a Lisp symbol) but by a number which is stored either as a Lisp character value (as described in section 7.3) or, if it will not fit in the range of numeric values denotable by characters, in a local-variable-reference structure. The procedure lisp-to-platypus-expression takes in a lambda expression with formal parameter names, in which Lisp let* constructs may be used, and converts formal parameter and local variable references into the character or structure form.

Whenever a let* form is found, it is converted into a let-local, which does whatever its operator definition in the language at run-time provides: it should evaluate its subexpressions, and append (push) them onto the value list. The let*ted variable names are then added to the read-time local variables and formal parameters list to be passed to recursive calls of lisp-to-platypus-expression---this list is started with the formal parameter list on the outermost call to lisp-to-platypus-expression.

This may be used for languages other than Lisp, as long as their parsers produce locally scoped variable declarations in the same form as Lisp's let*s.

(defun lisp-to-platypus-expression (the-args the-body)
  "Convert lambda-body-like expression with args
THE-ARGS and body THE-BODY from Lisp format to Platypus
    (if (eq (car the-body) 'quote)
      (if (eq (car the-body) 'let*)
          (let* ((bindings-list
                  (without-fluids (cadr the-body)))
                 (new-body (cddr the-body))
                 (all-the-args the-args)
                 (bind-exprs (map 'list
                                  #'(lambda (binding)
                                        (push (car binding)
                                         (cadr binding))))
            (let ((new-expr (cons 'let-local
                                  (cons bind-exprs
                                         all-the-args new-body)))))
        (map 'list #'(lambda (x)
                       (lisp-to-platypus-expression the-args x))
    (if (member the-body the-args)
        (as-local-variable-index the-body the-args)

Making closures from parse trees

The procedure make-closure-with-expression takes an expression, in the form produced by lisp-to-platypus-expression, and a tower, and returns a closure ready to run that expression and suitable for instantiation in that tower. Each tower includes a template closure, from which new closures by default inherit components that are not specified explicitly when the closure is created. The template closure normally must have as its evaluator the standard-evaluator that is used in that tower, so that closures instantiated in the initial context of the tower will be shadowed by the meta-evaluator of that tower.

(defun make-closure-with-expression
              (expr &optional (tower (current-definition-tower)))
  "Make a closure for the current definition tower or
for a specified tower, with EXPR as its expression, and
the TOWER (if not the default one) as the second
  (let* ((template (tower-template tower))
         (closure (make-closure
                   :evaluator (closure-evaluator template)
                   :type-evaluators (closure-type-evaluators template)
                   :language (closure-language template)
                   :continuation-expression expr
                   :procedure-expression expr
                   :values nil
                   :lexical-environment (closure-lexical-environment
                   :fluid-environment (closure-fluid-environment
                   :level (closure-level template)
                   :original nil
                   :number (incf closure-counter)
    (setf (closure-original closure)

The fact that this closure is a static closure (see section 3.4) is indicated by its closure-original field being eq to this closure itself.

Closures produced by instantiating this closure will have this closure as their closure-original field.

Lisp-style defining forms

Platypus provides several defining forms in the syntax of its Lisp-like base language, corresponding approximately to defun in Common Lisp. There are variants for defining ordinary functions, operators, and primitives---that is, shadowed operators. There are several ways of defining shadowed operators, according to whether they require all their arguments to be evaluated automatically before their provided code body is entered, and according to whether a named existing Lisp procedure is to be used as the procedure to wrap into the whole shadow code body, or whether the shadow code is to be generated automatically directly from the code that it shadows.

There is much in common between all these kinds of defining forms, such as the need to translate parameter and local variable references to the form described in section 6.3, and they are implemented as macros which call the procedure platypus-defun1 to do the common parts of their work.

There are two optional (keyed) arguments to this macro, which indicate whether the form being defined is to be shadowed (primitive), and whether it is to be bound in the language ( define-as-operator) or in the environment (as a callable procedure). The callers of platypus-defun1 use various combinations of these arguments, the only combination not used in practice being a shadowed callable procedure---all shadowed procedures are normally run directly from the evaluator, as operators, rather than being called through the funcall operator.

(defun platypus-defun1 (fun-name fun-args fun-body
                                 &key primitive define-as-operator)
  "Define a platypus function, called FUN-NAME, with
args FUN-ARGS and body FUN-BODY. Keyword argument
PRIMITIVE, if specified, specifies a lisp function with
which to implement this function. This is mapped in the
shadow map of the current definition tower."
  (let* ((the-body (if (and (> (length fun-body) 1)
                            (stringp (car fun-body)))
                       (cdr fun-body)   ; throw away docstring
         (the-name (if (listp fun-name)
                       (cadr fun-name)
         (the-env (if (listp fun-name)
                      (car fun-name)
                    (if define-as-operator
         (closure (make-closure-with-expression
                   (lisp-to-platypus-expression fun-args the-body))))
    (when *print-platypus-defuns*
          (format t "Setting defun in env: ~A~"
    (platypus-set-environment-variable the-env the-name
    (when (not (null primitive))
          (when *print-platypus-defuns*
                (format t "Setting primitive~A"
           closure primitive))
    nil))                               ; value to return from macro

Defining ordinary procedures

This is the simplest use of platypus-defun1. At this stage in the definition process, the procedure body must be a single form, rather than an implicit progn.

(defmacro platypus-defun (fun-name fun-args
  "Define a platypus function, called FUN-NAME, with
args FUN-ARGS and body FUN-BODY."
  `(platypus-defun1 ',fun-name ',fun-args ',fun-body))

Defining non-shadowed operators

platypus-defop is similar to platypus-defun, but it makes the definition in the language of the initial context of the tower, rather than in its general environment.

(defmacro platypus-defop (op-name op-args
  "Define a platypus operator, called OP-NAME, with
args OP-ARGS and body OP-BODY."
  `(platypus-defun1 ',op-name

Defining ordinary primitives

platypus-defprim is the simplest way to define a shadowed primitive. It is similar to platypus-defun, with the addition of the prim-name argument, which is the name of the shadow procedure to run when interpreting this procedure and finding that it is eligible for shadowing (see sections shadowint and metaevaluator).
(defmacro platypus-defprim (fun-name prim-name fun-args
                                     ;; &body
  "Define a platypus function, called FUN-NAME, and
implemented by the lisp function called PRIM-NAME, with
args FUN-ARGS and body FUN-BODY. The primitive named by
PRIM-NAME is called with one argument, the level to
  `(platypus-defun1 ',fun-name ',fun-args ',fun-body
                    :define-as-operator t
                    :primitive ',prim-name))

Defining control primitives

The following function is for use in a macro-expander, platypus-def-control-prim, which is presented after it. It takes an expression template, which is a list of names for successive sub-expressions of the expression, and produces a let-binding list for binding those names to those parts of the expression. If do-eval is true, the code returned has the sub-expressions evaluated in the context of the level, accessible in the context in which this binding code is run, under the name given by level-name, and the results of those evaluations are bound; otherwise the un-evaluated sub-expressions are bound throughout.

For example, the description of the arguments for if, (condition then else), given the name expr for the expression will produce the list:

((condition (nth 1 expr))
 (then (nth 2 expr))
 (else (nth 3 expr)))

whereas the description of the arguments for cons, which needs its arguments evaluated for it, will expand to:

((a (eval-in-level (nth 2 expr) level))
 (b (eval-in-level (nth 3 expr) level)))

where level is passed in as the name of the level in which to evaluate the arguments.

(defun make-control-arg-splitter (level-name
  "Make a let-binding-list, in which the argument expr
bound to EXPR-NAME is split into its successive part
and bound, part by part, to the names in ARG-NAMES. If
the third argument, DO-EVAL, is non-nil, each argument
expr is wrapped in a call to eval."
  (do* ((args arg-names (cdr args))
        (arg (car args) (car args))
        (arg-index 1 (1+ arg-index))
        (let-list nil))
       ((endp args) (nreverse let-list))
       (if (eq arg '&body)
             (setq args (cdr args))
             (setq arg (car args))
             (push (if do-eval
                       `(,arg (eval-in-level
                               (nthcdr ,arg-index ,expr-name)
                     `(,arg (nthcdr ,arg-index ,expr-name)))
          (if do-eval
              `(,arg (eval-in-level
                      (nth ,arg-index ,expr-name)
            `(,arg (nth ,arg-index ,expr-name)))

The results of make-control-arg-splitter are used in the following macro-expander:

(defmacro platypus-def-control-prim (fun-name prim-name fun-args
                                              &body fun-body)
  "Define a platypus function, called FUN-NAME, and
implemented by the lisp function called PRIM-NAME, with
args FUN-ARGS and body FUN-BODY. The primitive named by
PRIM-NAME is called with one argument, the level to
interpret. If interpreted, the body has the parts of
the expression of the current continuation closure of
the argument level split out into the appropriate named
variables as specified by fun-args."
  `(platypus-defun1 ',fun-name '(int-expr int-level int-cont)
                    '(let* (,@(make-control-arg-splitter
                    :define-as-operator t
                    :primitive ',prim-name))

Defining lisp-like primitives

The Lisp-like primitives are those that require all of their arguments to be evaluated before entering the provided code body. The evaluation of the arguments is done by some code which the following macro wraps around the provided code body. The extra code calls eval-sub-exprs, which works it way along the argument sub-expressions evaluating each one and returning a list made from the results of these evaluations. eval-sub-exprs is presented in section 7.7. This is used for the version that runs inside the tower. For the shadow version, the argument evaluation is done inside the code fragments returned by make-control-arg-splitters, which arranges this argument evaluation when called with its do-eval argument non-nil.

(defmacro platypus-def-lispy-prim (fun-name prim-name fun-args
  "Define a lispy platypus function, called FUN-NAME,
and with an implementation based on the lisp function
called PRIM-NAME, with args FUN-ARGS and body FUN-BODY.
The arguments for the call are evaluated by the wrapper
provided by this macro, and given to the function named
  (let ((shadow-name (intern (concatenate 'string
                                          (symbol-name prim-name)))))
        `(lambda (expr level cont)
           (let ((the-expr expr))
             (apply #',',prim-name
                    (eval-sub-exprs the-expr level)))))
       (platypus-defun1 ',fun-name
                        ;; ',fun-args ',fun-body
                        '(int-expr int-level int-cont)
                        '(let* (,@(make-control-arg-splitter
                        :define-as-operator t
                        :primitive ',shadow-name))))

Defining Lisp-like primitives based on a given expression

These primitives, like those defined by platypus-def-lispy-prim, have their arguments evaluated before running the given code body, but whereas those call a Lisp function that exists anyway, this macro platypus-def-lispy-expr-prim also create the Lisp function from the expression provided, and compiles it.

(defmacro platypus-def-lispy-expr-prim (fun-name fun-args
                                                 ;; &body
  "Define a lispy platypus function, called FUN-NAME,
and with an implementation based on the lisp expression
given as the function body, below, with args FUN-ARGS
and body FUN-BODY. The arguments for the call are
evaluated by the wrapper produced by this macro, and
given to the function supplied as FUN-BODY."
  (let ((shadow-name
          (concatenate 'string
                       (symbol-name fun-name)))))
        `(lambda (expr level cont)
           (let ((the-expr expr))
             (apply #','(lambda ,fun-args ,fun-body)
                    (eval-sub-exprs the-expr level)))))
       (platypus-defun1 ',fun-name
                        '(int-expr int-level int-cont)
                        :define-as-operator t
                        :primitive ',shadow-name))))

Defining static closures

As described in section 3.4, closures are used to represent procedures available for calling. These are not true closures, as they do not have all of the fields filled in---they are completed in the copy made when instantiating the closure. When a closure is instantiated (by funcall-shadow, for example), it is copied and completed. The closure-original field of the copy points to the original from which it was copied, and this is used to determine whether the closure is shadowed.

(defmacro def-unclosure (name args
  "Set NAME to a new closure with ARGS for its
arguments and BODY for its expression and the rest made
to distinguished nonsense values.  This may then be
copied into towers having the rest of the slots filled
in as appropriate for that tower. It is used for
defining things that are useful in many towers. BODY
may have a docstring, which is thrown away."
  #| (when (and (stringp (car body)) (not (endp (cdr body))))
        (setq body (cdr body))) |#
  `(let ((expr (lisp-to-platypus-expression
                ',args ',body)))
     (setf ,name  (make-closure
                   :evaluator nil       ; :no-evaluator
                   :language :no-language
                   :procedure-expression expr
                   :continuation-expression expr
                   :values :no-values
                   :lexical-environment :no-lexical-environment
                   :fluid-environment :no-fluid-environment
                   :original nil
                   :level nil
                   :number (incf closure-counter)

Placing definitions in towers

Procedure and operator definitions are placed in the appropriate part---language or environment---of a tower. The tower they go in is the current-definition-tower, which is the top of a stack of such towers. To change the tower into which definitions are placed, the procedures begin-define-in-tower and end-define-in-tower are provided.

(defun tell-current-definition-tower ()
  "Say which the current definition tower is."
  (format t "Definitions now go into tower ~S~"

(defun begin-define-in-tower (tower)
  "Make TOWER the current tower for definitions."
  (setq *platypus-definition-towers*
        (cons tower *platypus-definition-towers*))

(defun end-define-in-tower (&optional tower)
  "Revert to the previous tower for definitions. TOWER
is used to check the nesting of definitions, unless it
is nil."
  (unless (or (null tower)
              (eq tower (car *platypus-definition-towers*)))
          (error "Closing towers for definition in the wrong order."))
  (setq *platypus-definition-towers*
        (cdr *platypus-definition-towers*))
In defining the helper functions for stack-style operators (as used in PostScript and FORTH) the macros with-popped-args, push-results and with-popped-args-push-results are useful. They take values from the end of a level's value list and bind them to Lisp names, and push result of Lisp expressions onto the value list. Their definitions involve many obscure macros, but, with some of the internal macros expanded out, look like this:
(defmacro with-values (some-vl &body some-body)
  "Using the values list SOME-VL, run SOME-BODY."
  `(let* ((.values-list. ,some-vl)
          (.values-last. (value-list-last .values-list.))
          (.values-max. (value-list-max .values-list.))
          (.values-data. (value-list-data .values-list.))
     (declare (type fixnum .values-last. .values-max.)
              (type values-list .values-list.)
              (type simple-vector .values-data.))
     (let ((the-with-values-result
       ;; assume only this has changed:
       (setf (value-list-last .values-list.)
with-values makes a particular value list into the current value list, as used by the macros the-value-list-last, the-value-list-max, the-value-list-data, and the-nth-value.
(defmacro with-values-of-level (some-level &body some-body)
  "Using the values list of SOME-LEVEL, run SOME-BODY."
  `(with-values (level-values ,some-level)
with-values-of-level builds on with-values, for the commonest use of it.

The expander for the macro with-the-popped-args needs an auxiliary procedure which returns a let binding list:

(defun make-popping-arg-list (args)
  "Make a let binding list for ARGS,
with the current value list."
  (let ((i (length args)))
    (map 'list #'(lambda (arg)
                   (decf i)
                   `(,arg (the-nth-value ,i)))
This macro packages the above on into its most useful form:
(defmacro with-popped-args (level args &body body)
  "Using LEVEL to supply the arguments,
pop the args needed to fill ARGS, and run BODY."
  `(with-values-of-level ,level
                         (with-the-popped-args ,args

The following definitions are the complement of the preceding ones---pushing results back onto the stack. The results are specified as a list of arbitrary Lisp expressions. The following procedure is used by the macro expander after it:

(defun make-result-placer-pushers (forms n)
  "Return a list of code to put FORMS into the
current value list; for efficiency, we are told
that there are N forms."
  (let ((i n))
    (map 'list #'(lambda (form)
                   (decf i)
                   `(setf (the-nth-value ,i)
This packages it into its most useful form:
(defmacro push-results (level &rest results)
  "Into LEVEL push &REST RESULTS."
  `(with-values-of-level ,level

The following macro combines the two stack facilities above, and may be used as the outermost part of each stack-based operator shadow body:

(defmacro with-popped-args-push-results (level
                                        &body body)
  "Using LEVEL to supply the arguments, pop the args
needed to fill ARGS, and run BODY, finally pushing
RESULTS onto the stack of LEVEL."
  `(with-values-of-level ,level
                          (push-the-results ,@results))))

The C implementation of Platypus

The C implementation of Platypus is a complete system implementation, not relying on another language's support system and library for memory management and other facilities. Because of this, it is fairly large and complex, and contains much code not directly relevant to the research.

C-Platypus keeps the entire tower system within a storage heap. The meta-evaluator is not visible from the tower, and is a C program, which is not contained within the heap. All values in the heap are tagged with their type; to allow as much flexibility as possible, the tags are whole machine words (making each C-Platypus word two machine words), and point to the type descriptors concerned. Each object in the heap has a header, consisting of two C-Platypus words: the length and the type. (The type of the type points to the type descriptor for the whole object, and the value of the type is the object itself---a redundant reference that turned out very useful for debugging.) This type system makes all types first-class [Lang and Pearlmutter 88]. There is no distinction between predefined system types and user-defined types.

The garbage-collector is a stop-and-copy one. It is complicated by the need to update the shadowing tables in the meta-evaluator. As an interesting reflection curiosity, the heap is also an object that contains itself.

The shadowing tables use a perfect hashing scheme from addresses within the heap to addresses in the meta-evaluator. The hash code is the low few bits of the address in the heap, and the size of the hash table is a power of two. In the initialization of the heap with the shadowed objects, and when the garbage collector moves them, when a shadowed object is about to be allocated, if its address has the same hash code as one that has already been marked in the shadow map, words of memory are thrown away until one with a free hash code is found. This typically wasted 22 words at any one time, and seems a small overhead to pay for such a fast hashing scheme. However, it is not so suitable for a system using many more mapping tables (environments) as the wastage would go up, as would the amount of special treatment of objects done by the garbage collector.

The meta-evaluator is similar to the one written in Lisp for Platypus89, but is written in as a loop, instead of using the compiler's tail-recursion removal. It does not use a level-type-evaluators environment mechanism for evaluating things of different types, but has it built in to a switch statement.

The shadow operators are implemented in a similar way to those in Platypus89, but the C code that defines them must be pre-processed before compilation, to insert some of the standard helper code for taking apart levels and closures, and for evaluating arguments for operators that simply want all their arguments evaluated.

Summary of the meta-evaluator

Platypus is a trial implementation of a reflective tower-based evaluation system in which data representations inside and outside the tower are the same. It has been through two broadly similar implementation generations, one in C and one in Common Lisp.

Dynamic typing is used throughout the system, both inside and outside the tower. All objects in the tower are kept in a storage heap; in the C implementation this is scavenged by a stop-and-copy garbage collector, which must pay attention to updating variables of the meta-evaluator as it moves the things to which they point.

While several meta-evaluator variables point into the heap, it is not possible for a program in the tower to find from an object in the heap what it corresponds to in the meta-evaluator (although a meta-evaluator that makes this information available could be written).

The meta-interpreter must contain:

These are all fairly similar to their equivalents within the tower.

The meta-evaluator may be reduced to a very concise form built around one function, which is appropriately very similar to the corresponding function for the concise form of the standard internal evaluator for a tower. This function consists of four procedure calls and two environment lookups.

The code for all the shadow operator definitions has much in common; in particular, all operators that must evaluate all their arguments independently share an argument evaluator mechanism. Such operators are built around primitive procedures in the implementation language, by a macro-preprocessor, that takes functions in the implementation language, and produces wrapper functions for use as the shadow operators.

For the snark was a boojum, you see.

The Hunting Of The Snark

Submitted, Examined And Accepted: 1991
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