One Bible passage to which I return again and again is ``For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings'' [Hosea 6:6] -- this means so much to me that I'm devoting a whole web page to one Bible verse. It occurs in the prophecy of Hosea, and is cited by Jesus at Matthew 9:13 and Matthew 12:7. Similar passages occur in many places earlier in the Old Testament; I was surprised by how early this idea appeared, having thought it was a later development. (I can't list them at the moment because I can't remember the words used to express the ideas... and so can't get them using the concordance.)
Although I think this verse is of great relevance and importance to all, perhaps it stands out to me because of my personal psychospiritual make-up, with a tendency to put the emphasis on justice in rather a rigid way (except, I've noticed, sometimes when it is particularly convenient to me) and letting lovingkindness trail behind (or getting rid of it altogether when it seems to compromise righteousness). (Indeed, I sometimes think that my living by a Rule of Life in a religious order may partly be an expression of Pharisaism, and I'm wary of it for that reason... but it should not and need not be that!)
much more to come!
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The files in this directory are listed in this index, and the starting point for this section of my web tree is here. |
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