While it may be possible to find for yourself success for now, and to build your own power base, in the long term only the blessing of the LORD persists. Those who grab power for themselves can construct only the flimsiest of structures against the power of the Almighty, and he laughs and shakes them off.
Although it may not seem like it (when you see twisted brokeness succeeding, growing triumphally, around you) it is only if you let righteousness be in your heart and mouth that you will live past the end of the wicked.
I have found something a bit like cognitive therapy based on the Proverbs to be possible. You take some phrase describing a good way to be (eg in control of your own temper) and simply force yourself to think of it again and again, at any time, not just at prayer-time as such, until it really does become part of your way of thinking of things.
This is something I have some ideas forming about... how it seems that we are asked to deny our survival instincts... the instincts which keep us alive as children are not needed (in their unbridled form) when we have matured... and yet so many people continue to live by them, or to develop them into an extreme form and end up as what seems to be monsters.
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