Alta Vista |
Altavista is the massive search engine run by
Digital. Type in your keyword or words, and
Altavista will attempt to find all the web pages that
contain them.
Yahoo |
Yahoo is a better search tool if you just want to
surf - pick a topic and work your way through the
menus until you find something of interest.
Deja News |
Dejanews allows you to search Usenet news
postings - use this to find the latest information or
Bigfoot |
Missing someone? Bigfoot is one of the most comprehensive people finders
on the Net today...
Web Crawler |
Web Crawler - does what is says... crawls the Web.
Meta Crawler |
Uh, yeah - does sort of the same thing as above - just a different name is all.
Hot Bot |
If I remember correctly this is Wired's search engine...
Lycos |
One of the big search engines....
InfoSeek |
Yet another search engine.
Excite |
An exciting way to search the Web - with Excite.... not.
others... |
Alta Vista Europe |
Alta vista Europe - mirror site offering a variety of countries
to connect to and languages to choose from.
AnySearch |
Korean search
Area 52 |
Macintosh, Amiga, OS/2 searches a speciality
Astalavista |
daily updated search engine with hack and crack stuff
El Faro |
Money Search |
geared towards small business owners and on-line investors in the financial markets.
The Informant Server |
personal search agent - will send email when your favourite URLs are updated
News Hunt |
Links to free newspaper archives and a searchable database of searchabe newspapers
Next Crawler |
Greek Web Crawler - that searches Greek sites.
Radar |
International Search Engine in English and Spanish
SciFi Search |
for websites related to the paranormal, ghosts, psychics and UFO's
Study Web |
comprehensive searchable categorized index with reviews of over 17,000 educational and reference websites.